Can you hear the violins?

There seems to be very little in the modern world that encourages us to stop and listen to the violin.

Our politicians tell us that incessant growth is good, when nature tells us that incessant growth is, well, unnatural. At work we misuse the word “deadline” to overemphasise the importance of […]

What is a business rule?

Junior requirements analysts sometimes have difficulty with how to document business rules for information systems, or indeed, with recognising them in the first place. I hope this short article helps.

Some Definitions

“A rule under which an organization operates. A policy or decision that influences a process step.” (Data […]

Learning from mistakes

Here is a very interesting TED talk by Diana Laufenberg on the importance of teaching children to learn from mistakes.

Wouldn’t it be great if people in business did the same?

“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.” From Worstward Ho by Samuel Beckett


It’s about the software

Many requirements analysis specialists have little or no development or testing experience and this can lead them to forget what the real deliverable is.

The purpose of requirements analysis is to provide a robust and unambiguous requirement so that architects and developers know what to build and testers know what to […]

How Carrefour sells you customised greetings cards

A photographer friend recently took some pictures of Gema and myself and the CD arrived yesterday.

I had been eagerly awaiting the CD because I wanted to have customised New Year greeting cards done with a photo of the two of us. I duly took the CD to my local Carrefour […]

Nobody cares!

Powerpoint slides get busy enough without your adding your corporate background and logo.

So why do you do it?

It’s bad enough when a client insists I write reports in Powerpoint instead of Word, thus forcing me to jam information into a highly […]

Resistance is futile!

Every day we are provided with new technology to aid us in the workplace, so if you haven’t got one of these for your smart phone, you are behind the curve!

When do you say “No” to a customer?

When do you say “No” to a customer? This is a question a reader of this blog asked me in an e-mail recently.

We are all familiar with the phrase “The customer is always right”, but well all know that the customer is sometimes wrong. It is likely, therefore, that at […]

Would you jump out of a plane with a POC?

Why do some customers put a proof of concept into production?

In part, I suspect it has to do with wanting to spend as little as possible and still end up with something that earns them revenue.

But I think it is mostly because customers fail to grasp what […]

Reality check – Part 2

Here is a fabulous animation from RSA Animate, illustrating a talk by author Barbara Ehrenreich on how positive thinking can be delusional and harmful.

She basically says what I said in “Reality check“, but with more eloquence and concrete examples. I dislike her already. Applause to the cartoonist also.

Thanks to my friend Rowan Manahan […]