Introduction to drawing workflows: Foreword

A workflow can be described as a repeatable co-ordination of activities that affect an identified piece of work (work item), across multiple roles and governed by business rules, beginning with the generation of the work item and ending with the resolution of the work item.

I am quite specific in my […]

Amongst our business rules are… I’ll come in again

Business rules are key to the efficient and flexible functioning of BPM systems, but what should the analyst do when the Business does not know what the rules are?

Wait a moment! Surely the Business always knows what its own rules are. Not necessarily. Businesses often have to respond quickly to […]

Balancing act

The most important task of a requirements manager is to control the scope of a software project, but sometimes it can be a case of divided loyalties.

A requirements manager is sometimes employed by the company developing the software, sometimes by the business commissioning the software. Either way, the RM can […]

The Grand Masque Ball

What does it mean to say “this is a solution masquerading as a requirement“?

Years ago, as a junior analyst, I worked on a project for a holiday company. The specific functional area I was involved in had to do with making the bookings themselves. A thorny topic within that was […]

The customer isn’t the only consumer

It is all too common for analysts to submit their artefacts only for customer review.

Certainly, the business SMEs have to confirm that the business analysis artefacts accurately reflect their business model and that the requirements artefacts accurately represent their business needs.

However, the business customer is often not […]

It all ended in tears

The first Hallowe’en I can remember was when I was five years of age.

I asked my father to bring me home a mask. What type of mask did I want? A “scary” mask, I told him. That evening my father arrived home with a brown paper bag. I was all excited until I saw […]

Four monkeys

Does your organisation have a process or a behaviour which you cannot explain? When updating your IT systems, do you insist on replicating those processes within the new solution, even though there is no benefit to your business? Do you continue to do things the same way because “it has always been done […]

What is a requirement?

What is a requirement? If you check any English dictionary, you will probably find a definition along the lines of “something wanted or needed“.

But what is a requirement within the context of software development? You could argue it is whatever the customer wants and is willing to pay for and […]