Identifying User Stories and Deriving Acceptance Criteria

Most Product Owners I have met do not have a method for identifying candidate user stories or deriving acceptance criteria for those stories.

CAVEAT: I believe you should only model to the level of detail needed, regardless of what type of model you are using. If the team were building a […]

Deriving Business (User) Stories from your Business Architecture

For any kind of enterprise-wide change initiative, if you derive your backlog of Business Stories only from interviews with users, you may to end up with a patchwork of individual needs that don’t necessarily hang together, some of which will conflict with each other and which won’t give you the enterprise picture.

Decision models, user stories and acceptance criteria

In 2012 one of my readers contacted me to ask whether business rules and user story acceptance criteria could be considered the same thing. I answered in a blog post that they should not.

However, in 2013 I learned decision modelling, specifically, The Decision Model (TDM) and I was taught by […]