Requirements analysts: there are no fences… deal with it!

Once again I have heard from a colleague from the development discipline that a requirements analyst is proving to be an obstacle to success because once the customer signs off on the requirements specification, the analyst considers his work to be done and disappears over the horizon.

Very […]

Four monkeys

Does your organisation have a process or a behaviour which you cannot explain? When updating your IT systems, do you insist on replicating those processes within the new solution, even though there is no benefit to your business? Do you continue to do things the same way because “it has always been done […]

What is a requirement?

What is a requirement? If you check any English dictionary, you will probably find a definition along the lines of “something wanted or needed“.

But what is a requirement within the context of software development? You could argue it is whatever the customer wants and is willing to pay for and […]