It’s about the software

Many requirements analysis specialists have little or no development or testing experience and this can lead them to forget what the real deliverable is.

The purpose of requirements analysis is to provide a robust and unambiguous requirement so that architects and developers know what to build and testers know what to […]

Nobody cares!

Powerpoint slides get busy enough without your adding your corporate background and logo.

So why do you do it?

It’s bad enough when a client insists I write reports in Powerpoint instead of Word, thus forcing me to jam information into a highly […]

Would you jump out of a plane with a POC?

Why do some customers put a proof of concept into production?

In part, I suspect it has to do with wanting to spend as little as possible and still end up with something that earns them revenue.

But I think it is mostly because customers fail to grasp what […]

Reality check

I am a great believer in facing up to reality, regardless of the pain involved. I don’t know whether it is my experience as a senior business analyst or my character or both that causes me to step in from time to time and say: “Stop! Time for a reality check!”

April 14th, 2010 | Tags: , , , , | Category: General | Leave a comment

To meet or not to meet?

Hands up anyone who has been invited to a meeting, spent an hour or more listening to someone drone on (or worse, sat through Death by Powerpoint), only to wonder why you had been invited in the first place. Oh, look! All of you.

MS Outlook allows you to indicate whether […]

Technology is not always the answer…

As a business analyst, my job is largely to help a business define and document its needs, usually so that those needs can be satisfied by technology. However, if we assume that technology is always the answer, we might find ourselves overlooking other solutions that might satisfy the business needs more quickly and […]

A word on adjusting diagrams

You may have noticed the emphasis I place on visual modelling, which is fancy for “drawing pictures”.

People can relate to pictures better than text in many contexts. Can you imagine an architect trying to document his building design textually?

Flexibility and strength must always […]

CC Fever

When you join a project as a business analyst, I think it’s useful to note the extent to which people in the customer’s organisation copy others unnecessarily on e-mails. I am sure many of you, if not most, have been on projects where everyone gets copied on everything. What does that suggest?

A more humane Analyst

I don’t own a car at the moment, mainly because I don’t need one. Combine my lack of need with a lack of interest in cars as accessories and you have someone who uses public transport a lot. Of course, it’s easy for those who live in or around Madrid because public transport […]

Process Exercise: 6/6

Here is a re-cap of my approach to modelling a To Be process:

Part 1: we modelled the As Is change control process in order to understand the current business model.

Part 2: we reminded ourselves to be sensitive to the fact that the customer owns the process.